Seven Ultimate Bridesmaid Duties

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Seven ultimate bridesmaid duties - Bridesmaids posing for a picture

Being a bridesmaid comes with loads of duties and of course, a little dose of pride. It gives an “assistant bride feeling” as you’re expected to be the next most stunning person after the bride and trust me that feeling costs much. This post highlights seven ultimate bridesmaid duties.

The bridesmaid duties can be a huge responsibility but if well managed, will leave a long-lasting happy impression on the bride of her big day.

Here, we’ll quickly run through the seven ultimate bridesmaid duties on the "D-day":

1. Ensure to prepare with the bride

It is your duty as a bridesmaid to ensure that the bride is calm and happy

Arrive designated location in good time on the wedding morning with all your personal effects. Don’t also forget to leave your worries at home and come along with all the vibe needed. Your job at this point will involve making sure the bride is as calm and happy as possible. Relief her of the calls, texts, and impending stress. Help her with getting dressed, staying hydrated and well-fed. In all, be the life of the pre-party for the Bride.

2. Be a helpmeet for the maid Of honor

Assist the maid of honor in getting last-minute preparations done as they can be stressful as well as pressurizing. Make yourself useful, timely, and thoughtful; it’ll save the day.

3. Be thoughtful

I talked about being thoughtful earlier; providing snacks and drinks to everyone involved in the preparation process could save them from hunger all day long as they might get too busy to eventually eat something. Dear bridesmaid, be a lifesaver.

4. Get involved

Save your gossips and chit-chats for another day, bring on your manners, be respectful to every guest, and don’t miss your part in rehearsed roles especially in dance. Bring on your A-game!

5. Be the bride’s adopted sister

From helping guests navigate the venue, to directing them to bathrooms, handicap access, exits, and if applicable, refreshments station. All these gestures will make guests happy and the atmosphere peaceful. Also, ensuring all guests are served, standing near the gift table, or taking wedding favors will help direct and facilitate guests’ participation.

6. Stick with other bridesmaids and keep the smile:

Being together and Photo-Ready makes bridesmaids easily photographed; don’t be the stray folk. It also makes the couple feel loved when such memories are captured. Be the life of the party; as I said earlier, leave your worries at home. Network, mingle, participate and enjoy yourself. Give speeches or answer questions when necessary and ultimately, get your groove on… Dance!

7. Make sure all guests sleep well

Wondering how right? Don’t worry, I got you. No one likes to lose an item simply because they attended an event. Bridesmaids should help all organizers gather personal effects, rented items, and even misplaced items out of the venue and to their respective owners or safe places. Other items could include wedding gifts, slices of wedding cake for the couple, their wedding attire, and even their luggage for their wedding night getaway.

Finally, be indeed happy with your roles as it’ll take your love for the bride to effectively perform your bridesmaid duties.

I believe you now know your role as a bridesmaid goes beyond wearing a uniform and taking pictures.
