5 Health Risks of Having Sex With Dogs

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Skin diseases like scabies are among the most common health risks linked to sex with dogs

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Listen to 5 Health Risks of Having Sex With Dogs

Is it safe to have sex with dogs?

This post will discuss 5 health risks of having sex with dogs, an act known as bestiality. Bestiality is generally the act of having sex with animals, and this act has become a trending topic in Nigeria today. So far, reports have shown that some ladies, for reasons best known to them, have sex with dogs. While some speculate that these ladies indulge in such acts for financial gains, others suggest it may be for rituals. Whatever the case may be, the fact remains that there are certain health risks associated with bestiality.

Health risks of having sex with dogs

5 Health risks of having sex with dogs:

1. The risk of contracting canine STDs

Canine STDs are venereal diseases peculiar to dogs and they pose some of the most dangerous health risks of having sex with dogs. Of all the STDs that affect dogs, three are very common; Brucellosis, Canine Herpesvirus, and CTVT (Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor). However, only Brucellosis is zoonotic. That means it can be transmitted from animals to humans through sexual contact and other means.

Brucellosis, caused by the Brucella Canis bacterium, is an infection that is hard to identify in humans, especially in the early stages. It can affect the reproductive system, liver, and other internal organs of the body. Worse still, it can lead to complications such as arthritis and central nervous infections. Luckily, it rarely spreads from person to person.

2. The risk of having allergic reactions

An allergic reaction occurs in the human body when the immune system reacts abnormally to a foreign substance it considers harmful. For instance, receiving the semen of a dog can trigger an allergic reaction. Most allergic reactions are mild but can get severe, as seen in cases of anaphylaxis.

Anaphylaxis can develop quickly and is life-threatening because it makes the immune system release several chemicals all at once to flush out a foreign substance which can cause a person to go into shock. Although a fatal outcome is rare, it’s possible. In 2008, a woman died from an allergic reaction to sexual intercourse with a dog.

3. The risk of having worms

Animals can get, carry and transfer worms. If a human gets in intimate contact with an infected animal, they can get the worms. Some of these worms are Echinococcosis and Hookworms. Echinococcosis is a parasitic cyst-like tapeworm found in the faeces of dogs.

In the human body, echinococcosis causes fluid-filled cysts to form on the liver and the lungs. In severe cases, a liver transplant may be the only solution for the person to survive. Echinococcosis can affect other organs such as the kidneys, heart, spleens, and brain. If not treated quickly, it can lead to death.

Hookworms, named for their hook-like mouthpieces, are intestinal parasites found in dogs. They have a high potential for human infection. They are also found in dog faeces and can transfer through direct contact. Although adult hookworms cannot infect humans, their larva can get into the human body. Hookworms cause severe damage to the eyes resulting in blindness and complications. They can attack other internal organs.

4. The risk of contracting skin diseases

Skin diseases are some of the most common health risks of having sex with dogs. Dogs can transfer a wide variety of skin diseases to humans through contact with urine, faeces, saliva, or even the fur of an infected animal. Sarcoptic mange is an animal-related skin condition caused by a microscopic mite. In humans, these mites can cause a skin condition called scabies.

Scabies is an itchy and contagious skin disease passed from animals to humans through direct skin-to-skin contact. Ringworm is another zoonotic skin condition caused by a fungal infection. In humans, ringworm causes hair loss, scaly scalp, itching, etc. Ringworm spreads by direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected animal.

5. The risk of contracting other diseases

Humans can contract other diseases from dogs. They include but are not limited to Rabies and Leptospirosis. Rabies is a fatal and zoonotic disease caused by infection with the rabies virus that can be transmitted through saliva when one infected animal bites another.

Once a person shows symptoms of rabies, the possibility of death is high. Leptospirosis also called Weil’s disease in its severe form, is a rare and potentially fatal bacterial disease gotten from animals, especially dogs. Leptospirosis, caused by the bacterium Leptospira interrogens, is found in the urine of infected animals.

Humans can get it through direct contact with urine from an infected animal or indirect contact with contaminated water or soil. While some humans show symptoms days after infection, others may not. Without treatment, Leptospirosis can lead to problems such as kidney damage, respiratory issues, meningitis, etc.

Generally, zoonotic diseases can become a critical health challenge when contracted by humans because animals have a way of growing with and adapting to them. The recent COVID-19 from bats and the deadly Ebola virus from monkeys have proven that. As mentioned earlier, having sex with dogs has devastating consequences. As such, it’s advisable to stay away from such acts to avoid the above health risks of having sex with dogs.