7 lucrative blogging niches in Nigeria

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7 lucrative blogging niches in Nigeria
7 lucrative blogging niches in Nigeria

Blogging in Nigeria, like every other business, is challenging. With so many blogging niches in the country and around the world, it is even more challenging finding the right niche. In this post, I will share with you 7 lucrative blogging niches in Nigeria.

Contrary to what most people think, blogging is more than just a hobby. Making money while you sleep, a phrase popularly used to describe blogging isn’t completely true. You see, blogging requires a lot of hard work, time and discipline. It all begins with choosing the right niche. And yes, there are a couple of niches in Nigeria that are more profitable than the others.

To start with, what is blogging?

Blogging is the intersection between giving people what they want and telling them what you know. So, you are an expert in your field or you know how best to do a particular thing than anyone else. The challenge becomes how to pass that message across to people.

First of all, you have to find out what people (your target audience precisely) want and how they want it. Until you understand the importance of giving people what they want in the way that they want it, you will never get their attention. It means that meantime time, you’ll be on the list of struggling bloggers.

For instance, imagine teaching a 2-year old child the English alphabet. Instead of making them repeat each alphabet after you, you recite the entire thing, and then expect them to do so. I guess, we both know what the result will be. You will end up getting frustrated. Yes, you are trying to help them, but you are not doing it in the way that they like. That’s exactly how blogging is. You need to blog with your audience in mind.

Anyway, let’s get back to the reason for this post. 7 lucrative blogging niches in Nigeria.

Hold on a bit! How do you know a blogging niche is profitable?

  • It has a high search volume or traffic.
  • The audience has a high purchasing power.
  • There are opportunities for affiliate marketing.
  • It has a large market.

Below are 7 profitable blogging niches in Nigeria:

1. Personal finance blog

Personal finance blog
Personal finance

No doubt, we all want to improve our finances. We want to learn ways to improve our income streams, how to make the best investment decisions and how to identify some of the best opportunities out there. Also, we want to learn how to build a healthy saving culture.

As a blogger in this niche, you need to provide people with tips, proven strategies and tutorials on how to become financial geniuses.

You can monetize this blog by applying for Google Adsense and working with financial institutions.

2. Weight loss blog

Nigerians are now more aware of their bodies, shapes and weights. So, we want to do all that we can to be in shape and look good always. Most importantly, we want to learn the best way to lose weight and stay healthy from an expert.

As a weight loss blogger, you can suggest diet types, exercises, weight loss products and lifestyle choices that your audience can use to achieve their goals.

You can monetize this niche by affiliate marketing, selling your own weight loss products, displaying ads, and creating personalized meal and workout plans for people who are interested in losing weight.

3. Entertainment blog

Nigerians love to be entertained. They want to know about the latest social media challenge in town; what’s up with their favourite celebrities; and the latest trends and slogans. People also want to know about TV series, jokes, comedy etc.

As a blogger in this niche, you have to keep your audience updated on trending news. Also, you need to research thoroughly to provide facts and relevant information. Try not to copy and paste other blogs’ stories, otherwise, you’ll lose your audience. You have to be authentic.

Once your audience notices your unique content, it’ll be easy to grow your blog. The bigger your blog, the higher your chances of making money. You can monetize this niche by advertising people’s products.

4. Fashion and beauty blog

Fashion and beauty blog
Fashion and beauty

Being a beauty or fashion blogger requires a lot of work. You see, while bloggers in other niches rely on great written content to succeed, you rely on your personality and ability to constantly put yourself out there. You can start by creating more content on Instagram and YouTube because they are visual platforms. When you’ve gained good ground on those, you can work your way up to your blog.

You can monetize this niche by advertising, affiliate marketing, selling your products, and eventually becoming a lifestyle blogger.

5. Food blog

Food blog

These are like DIYs or tutorial blogs. You see, some people what to learn how to cook other tribes’ food but have no relations or friends that can teach them. Some other people just want to spice things up in the kitchen. They want to learn different ways to make a particular dish. They also want to be able to make a variety of dishes. So, if you are an expert in cooking Nigerian delicacies or other intercontinental dishes, then consider food blogging.

You can monetize this niche by running Google Adsense or direct adverts for restaurants and food ingredients companies.

6. Relationship and dating blog

relationship and dating blog
Relationship and dating

Learning to love and care for another person requires commitment. So, while we all want that perfect relationship or relationship, there are no perfect people in the world. We need to learn how to make our relationships work. Hence, the need for a relationship niche.

To be taken seriously as a blogger, you must have been able to maintain a relationship or marriage for a long time. You can monetize this niche by offering personal consultations, affiliate marketing and running ads.

7. Small business and entrepreneurship blog

Nigerians have welcomed the idea of entrepreneurship in the last decade more than they did in the past. However, there are only a few resources or materials to help them prepare for the journey.

As an entrepreneur blogger, you can provide tips, proven strategies and materials to help people grow their businesses. Your success story in the field will help even more.

You can monetize this niche by offering personal consultation, selling materials, offering courses and running ads.

You might also be interested in reading How to Register a Business Name in Nigeria.
