Connect with the Right People: Social Networking

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Connect with the Right People through social networking

Knowing how to connect with the right people through social networking is an essential skill

I will share with you 5 ways to connect with the right people through social networking. From job seekers to business owners, sales personnel and even students, almost everyone will admit that the marketplace today is highly competitive. Creating good social networks and relationships is absolutely essential. You would agree with me that the world is a big place and trying to connect with the right people through social networking can be quite daunting.

Knowing how to connect with the right people through social networking is an essential skill

Everyone of us has a natural social network. It could be family, friends, clients or work colleagues. You can also deliberately nurture and maintain a network built on trust and mutual benefit on social networking platforms. It is important for the right connections to be acquired for whatever path you're pursuing, be it business, career, relationships or study.

But how can you connect with the right people through social networking?

But how can you connect with the right people through social networking?

Well, here are a few ways you can get started with making the right connections that can be beneficial to you and your network. A social networking platform is one of such ways. However, networking does not end with simply joining a social networking platform. The following tips will show you how to connect with the right people.

1. Know your goals and identify those who can help you reach them through social networking

Before you can decide the right connections to make, you need to first identify what your goals are and then reach out to those with similar interests that can help you.

Know your goals and identify those who can help you reach them through social networking

Take your time and write down your most important goals. Simply writing your goals down will greatly improve your chances of success. Set goals that are relevant, attainable and time bound as this will greatly help you obtain your most important goals. Once you have identified your goals, you can then reach out to those with similar goals as you. Social networking is all about sharing value. Occasionally seek out those you can give advice to or receive from. The more people you reach out to, the larger the connections you can make through social networking.

2. Create a list of the kind of people you want in your social network

To help you make social networking easier, create an extensive list of those who you want to connect with. Every single person you can potentially connect with should be written down on a list. Take your time, reach out to them one at a time and make a profound connection with them. Yes, it might be daunting, but think of the possibilities of what you will gain from it.

Some might not accept you, but you'll never know how many will until you try to make that connection. You might not want to do it, but having a list will give you that head start. As the saying goes 'a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.' Creating a list will most likely give you that first step to making lasting connections.

3. Optimize social media for networking

Optimize social media for networking

We cannot talk about social networking without making mention of the number one tool for making connections. Where networking is concerned, the social media is your friend. There are numerous tools on social media that can help you meet the right people.

Make use of the tools that social media provides. With millions of people utilizing social media platforms on a daily basis, finding those in your niche and who share similar interests is a cinch. Reach out to them, send them a quick message. Make sure to let them know why you are reaching out and how you came across them, that way they will open up to you more easily and you can have a solid foundation in building a lasting relationship.

4. Attend networking events

Attend networking events

Research shows that 85% of people find jobs through networking. If you are smart, you will make good use of social networking. What better way is there to make connections than to attend events, and not just any event, but the ones that are specific to your interests or area of specialization. Whether you got invited by a friend to a social event or conference, or you simply took to Google and found a networking event in your area, the important thing is to put yourself out there and meet with as many people as you can.

Connect with those you feel share similar interests with you. Take a business card along or something that shows what your interests are. Be nice, put on your best attitude and if you're lucky, you will leave the event having made profound connections.

5. Identity the values you can give to others through social networking

Identity the values you can give to others through social networking

Everyone has something valuable to give to someone else. Once you identify the values you bring to others, you can connect with them more confidently. It could be something as little as giving advice on common issues, offering to do a favor or sharing information. Whatever the case, you must make sure that you are bringing value to those you intend to make a profound connection with.

Networking can be very nerve-racking. We've all been there at some point in our lives, but the more you engage with the people doing what you do out there, the greater your chances of connecting with the right people through social networking.

Remember, you'll never know the right people to build connections with unless you step out there and make some connections. So start using the simple tips you have learned today to make the right connections in your social network!
