Join Free Online Chat on Scrollforth
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Join free online chat on Scrollforth and make new friends. Our free chatrooms are easy to join and you can chat with people and make new friends from all over the world.
Scrollforth is not limited to free online chat alone

Join free online chat
Scrollforth is a full-fledged social network where members can create full profiles. In addition to our free online chat, you can also create full networking profiles, publish events, find job openings, earn from writing, and much more.
Brief highlights of things you can also do on Scrollforth
1. Create a networking profile
Creating and adding details to your profile have several networking advantages. It allows you to define your personality. This could in turn enable you to connect with the right people either for social or business reasons.
2. Share your profile with friends or business acquaintances
You can share your profile with friends or business contacts. Imagine for instance you need to showcase your porfolio to someone. Instead of printing several papers, you could simply upload relevant media to your Scrollforth profile and share with the person or organisation with a simple click. Scrollforth profile pages provide top-notch features that allow you to quickly organise your profile or portfolio in an eye-catching format.
3. Find out about educational and professional networking events all over the world
Occasionally, we publish topical networking events for students and professionals on Scrollforth. By having a Scrollforth account, you would benefit from receiving notifications about such events that we may publish or oganise from time to time.
4. Publish events and have a free online chat with people who are interested
Scrollforth features a powerful tool that allows you to publish events on Scrollforth social network. By utilising the event publication feature on Scrollforth, You can significantly increase awareness for your event. You can also chat with people who might be interested in attending your event on Scrollforth.
5. Create a topic for discussion
You can create a topic on Scrollforth and for discussion or just to share your ideas or thoughts. Upon creating a topic, your topic will also have its own chatroom. People can follow your topic and receive notifications for your posts. This is a very effective way to promote your brand or disseminate information.
6. Invite friends to join you for a free online chat in a topic created by you
With a few clicks, you can invite your friends to join you for a free online chat on Scrollforth social network.
7. Participate in contests for cash prizes

Occasionally we organise contests such as writing competitions that students and other people can benefit from. Having a Scrollforth Account will enable you to get participate in such contests and win cash prizes. In the past, we have had selfie contests where people were able to win cash prizes. Example of such contests was our poetry contest where the winner won a cash prize. More contests will be organised on Scrollforth so stay plugged in.