Who Killed Sully in Top Boy Season Finale?

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Sully in Top Boy

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Top Boy season 3 took Netflix by storm, fulfilling the high expectations of fans who eagerly awaited its release. This final season brought captivating storylines and complex character developments, but perhaps the most shocking twist came at the end: the shooting of Sully. As viewers are left grappling with the fallout, the burning question remains—who shot Sully in that car? Throughout the series, Sully is a multifaceted character who interacts with a variety of figures, generating numerous potential suspects. In this article, we’ll explore each suspect and their possible motivations.

Suspense and Setup

Sully's character has always been integral to the tension in Top Boy, starting as a ruthless figure who often straddles the line between right and wrong. His gritty journey takes many twists and turns, leading him into conflict with friends and foes alike. As the climax approaches in season 3, the atmosphere becomes increasingly charged. The moment Sully is shot serves as a shocking culmination of unresolved tensions and rivalries. It prompts viewers to reflect on not just who could have pulled the trigger, but why they would want to.

Suspects Analysis

1. Stef

One of the most significant suspects is Stef. Throughout season 3, he is consumed by anger and resentment, primarily directed at Sully for orchestrating the execution of his brother, Jamie, at the end of season 2. Stef is portrayed as a character desperate for vengeance, making him a key figure in this debate. While he ultimately confronts Sully, the climactic moment takes a turn when Stef lowers his weapon, remarking, "you ain't worth it." This moment complicates his role: while he has a clear motive, his hesitation may suggest deeper complexities in his emotional state. Nevertheless, it places him firmly in the running as a potential shooter.

2. Si

Another possible suspect is Si, who is known for his loyalty to Jamie. The revelation that Sully was responsible for Jamie's death sends shockwaves through Si, straining his alliance with Sully. However, Si's character arc takes a turn when he seems to grow increasingly fearful of Sully, particularly when Sully confronts him regarding a theft. This fear, demonstrated in crucial scenes, casts doubt on Si’s willingness to carry out an act of violence. This internal conflict may prevent him from taking action against Sully, despite his emotional turmoil.

3. Erin

Erin's character comes into play as another potential shooter. Throughout the series, she harbors suspicions about Sully's involvement in her father's death. Her growing distrust adds another layer of intrigue to the narrative, but her character development signals a different trajectory. Erin's evolution from a vulnerable character to one who gains agency complicates her role in Sully's fate. While her suspicions are strong, it seems unlikely that she could carry out the act of violence. Her narrative arc suggests she is more of a pawn in the larger scheme rather than an active player seeking revenge.

4. Jaq

Jaq from Netflix

Finally, we arrive at Jaq, who may be one of the most plausible candidates for Sully's shooter. Initially introduced as fearful of Sully, her character develops significantly throughout season three. A pivotal moment occurs when she confidently reassures Becky that "everything is gonna be ok." This response, filled with newfound determination, hints that Jaq may have found the courage to confront and potentially eliminate threats in her life. The revelation of Sully’s suspected murder of Kieron, a friend she deeply cared for, could be the tipping point towards her decisive action against him. This confrontation could be fueled by her feelings of betrayal and anger, making her a credible suspect.

In summary, the mystery surrounding who killed Sully in Top Boy is a topic of endless speculation and debate. From Stef’s burning desire for revenge to Jaq's complex character development and newfound courage, several suspects emerge with plausible motives. While the series skillfully keeps viewers guessing until the very end, it also invites the audience to delve into the intricate relationships and emotions at play.

As the final season of Top Boy wraps up, the question remains: who do you believe shot Sully? Share your theories and suspects in the comments section below, and let’s keep the conversation going.
