Yoruba Names and Their Meanings

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Welcome to our treasure trove of beautiful Yoruba names for your little one! Choosing a name is more than just a formality—it's a gift that your child carries for life. Yoruba names aren't just labels; they are often rich with meaning, culture, and heritage, encapsulating hopes, prayers, and values. Whether you're looking for a name that celebrates your Yoruba roots or you're just fascinated by the melodic tones and profound meanings, we've curated a list that combines tradition with modernity. Let's embark on this beautiful journey of finding a name that resonates with the uniqueness of your child.
Yoruba names often carry significant meanings and are an essential part of the identity and cultural heritage of the people. This post will begin with a simple explanation of the composition of Yoruba names. You can also go straight to the list of male and female Yoruba names and their meanings below if you already understand how Yoruba names are composed.
While some parents with a deep understanding of the language may occasionally choose to create unique names, it is worth mentioning that certain platforms take creative liberties by generating names that, although they have meanings in the Yoruba language, are not traditionally recognized, which can be somewhat misleading. In this post, we aim to highlight male and female names that are widely used and cherished within Yoruba culture.
1. What is Yoruba?
Yoruba is a language spoken by Yoruba people. It could also refer to someone who is from the Yoruba tribe. Yoruba people are a tribe that occupies and dominate about 6 states in southwest Nigeria. These states are Ekiti, Ogun, Ondo, Oyo, Osun, and Lagos State. There are also many Yoruba speakers in many other states in Nigeria, particularly in Kwara and Kogi State.
There are millions of Yoruba people in the diaspora. Yoruba language is spoken by approximately thirty million (30,000,000) people or more. You might also be surprised to find that a variation of Yoruba is used for incantations in 'Ifa' religion in some countries. Brazil is one such country.
2. Popular prefixes used in male and female Yoruba names and their meanings
2.1 First, lets look at prefixes that usually pertain to deities or religions.
- Ifa - Ifa is the god of divinity in Yoruba. When this prefix is used in Yoruba names, the first letter ('I') is usually dropped. For instance, instead of Ifayemi, you would usually see Fayemi.
- Ogun - In Yoruba mythology, Ogun Lakaye is the god of iron.
- Oluwa - Oluwa simply means lord (lord of the ring, lord of the flies etc). However, when 'Oluwa' is used in a Yoruba name, it usually refers to Jesus Christ. This prefix became common in Yoruba names after Christianity became a religion in Nigeria.
- Olorun - means God.
- Orisa - means deity. Not very popular in names nowadays like those mentioned above but it is worth mentioning.
2.2 Other popular prefixes in Yoruba names
- Ade - Ade means crown in Yoruba language. People who have this prefix in their names are usually of royal descent. However, it is important to know that there are several kings in Yoruba land. If you found that two Yoruba people have 'Ade' in their names, it does not necessarily mean that they are of the same royal descent.
- Akin - a brave person.
- Ayo - means joy.
- Awo - one who is initiated.
- Baba - father.
- Oba - king.
- Ode - hunter.
- Ola - wealth.
- Ona - road.
- Omo - child.
- Owo - money.
- Oye - this means chieftaincy. In the Yoruba monarchy, chieftaincies (Oye) are conferred on some people. The chiefs are similar to the parliament in modern systems of governance.
3. Pronounciation of Yoruba names
Are Yoruba names easy or difficult to pronounce?
There is a common misconception that Yoruba names are usually long and difficult to pronounce. This is why it is worth mentioning that people are not usually called with their 'prefix+names' in informal situations. Likewise, people usually drop the prefix when introducing themselves in less formal situations. In fact, most times, you would come across those prefixes only in written forms in formal situations.
For instance, Adeyemi would be popularly called Yemi by family members and friends. However as a form of affection in an informal situation, parents might call their children's names with the prefix. Same goes for lovers or spouses sometimes.
There is another point worthy of note. The above mentioned prefixes are usually used without a dash/hyphen. Let's suppose that a name is Yemi ( means 'I am worthy of') and its prefix is Ade. It would be written as 'Adeyemi' (I am worthy of crown) and not 'Ade-Yemi'.
You would usually end up with around 4-8 letter words when the prefixes are dropped. So contrary to what you might have thought, Yoruba names are quite easy to pronounce.
Now that you know about prefixes in Yoruba names, let's look at some male and female names.
Yoruba names and their meanings:
- Abimbola is commonly given to female children in the Yoruba tribe but on some rare occasions, male children have also been named Abimbola. People named Abimbola are usually called "Bimbo". The name Abimbola means "I was born into wealth".
- Abiodun is a unisex Yoruba name that is usually given to children born in December. It is a combination of two words: Abi - we birthed. Odun - festive season or year. The literal translation would be to birth year/festive season.
- Abiola is commonly given to male children while its other variant "Abisola" is given to female children. Abiola means "Born into wealth". The short form of Abiola is usually Biola.
- Abolaji is a unisex name that means "One who wakes up with/to wealth". Short forms are Bola or Bolaji.
- Abolarinwa is a male name that means one who walks with wealth. Its short form is usually Bola.
- Abosede is a Yoruba name given to female children, it's one of the most popular feminine Yoruba names. It is a name given to female children born on a Sunday. It means "One who comes with the new week". The short form of Abosede is usually Bose.
- Ade means crown and it is a popular prefix in Yoruba names. Both female and male names often share this prefix.
- Adebanji is a name given to male children that are born into a royal lineage. Adebanji means "Crown/Royalty wakes up with me". The short forms of Adebanji are Ade or Banji.
- Adebiyi is a male Yoruba name. It means "The crown birthed this". The short forms of Adebiyi are Ade or Biyi.
- Adedayo is a male Yoruba name that means "The crown turns into joy". The short forms of Adedayo are Ade or Dayo.
- Aderinsola is a unisex Yoruba name given to children born to a royal lineage. It combines the prefix Ade and the suffix Rinsola. Ade - Ade means crown. Rinsola - Rinsola means to walk into wealth. The short form of Aderinsola is usually Ade. The name Aderinsola means "The crown walks into wealth".
- Adetola means a crown is comparable to wealth. This Yoruba name is usually unisex and its short form is usually Ade or Tola.
- Adeyemi means I am worthy of the crown. It is also a popular surname.
- Afolabi is a male name that means one who is born with wealth. It is also a popular Yoruba surname. Its short form is usually Folabi or Fola.
- Afolake means one who is raised with wealth and it is a female name. The short form is usually Folake or Fola.
- Ajibola means one who wakes up into wealth and it is a male name. Short form is Jibola or Bola.
- A female name meaning "one who is pampered or cherished".
- Asoropa means one who is hard to kill. This name is usually a surname.
- Atinuke is an affectionate female Yoruba name which means one who has been pampered before birth (while still an embryo). Short form is usually Tinu or Tinuke.
- Atolani is usually a male Yoruba name that means one who is worthy of wealth. It is also a common surname. Short form is usually Tola or Tolani.
- Ayobami is a unisex Yoruba name that usually comes with two prefixes explained below: Ayobamiji - I woke up with joy. Ayobamide - Joy came with me. Short form of the name is usually Ayo which simply means joy.
- A unisex name meaning "joy of wealth". It is a popular surname but could alse be given as a unisex first name. Its short form would be "Ayo" or "Ola".
- Babafemi is a male Yoruba name that means "The father loves me". The short form is Babafemi is usually Femi.
- Bamidele is a male Yoruba name, it means "Go home with me". The short form of Bamidele is usually Dele.
- Banke is a female Yoruba name; its full variant is "Bamike". The name means "Help me care for or cherish".
- Bewaji is an interesting female Yoruba name that means "Wake up with beauty". It is a combination of two words: Ewa, which means beauty + Ji, which means wake.
- Bimpe is a female Yoruba name that means "Born completely". The name usually comes with a prefix like Ade, Olu or Ola.
- Bisola is a female Yoruba name that means born into wealth.
- Bolatito is a female Yoruba name that means "wealth is enough". The short forms of Bolatito are usually Bola or Tito.
- Boluwatife is a female Yoruba name. It means "As the Lord wants it to be". The short forms of Boluwatife are Bolu or Tife.
- Bukunmi is a Yoruba name commonly given to female children but can sometimes be given to male children. It comes with a prefix like "Oluwa". Bukunmi means "Add to me". The short form of the name is usually Kunmi.
- Bunmi means 'gave me'. It is usually a female name but sometimes used as a male name by some. The name usually comes with prefixes such as: Ogunbunmi - Ogun gave me. Oluwabunmi - the Lord gave me. Fabunmi - Ifa gave me. Orisabunmi - Orisa gave me.
- Busayo is a unisex Yoruba name, it means "Add to my joy". A prefix is always attached to the name, for example "Oluwabusayomi".
- Damilare is a male given name that means "Justify me". It usually comes with the prefix "Oluwa". So a name like "Oluwadamilare' would mean God has justified me. The short forms of Oluwadamilare are Damilare or Dami.
- Damilola means 'blessed me with wealth' and it is usually a unisex Yoruba name. Popular example of the name with prefix is Oluwadamilola.
- Darasimi is a unisex name that comes with prefixes like "Oluwa" or "Ola" attached to it. Darasimi means "Good to me". The short forms of Darasimi are Dara or Simi.
- Dasola is a female given name that means "Created into wealth".
- It means that something has become joy. This is usually a male name but sometimes given to female children as well. Examples of variations with prefixes are: Adedayo and Ogundayo.
- Dele means "come home". It is a male given name and is often used with common prefixes such as: Oladele - wealth has come home. Akindele - the brave one has come home.
- Durodola is a male Yoruba name, it means "wait for wealth".
- Durojaiye is a unique Yoruba name given to children that are regarded as Abiku. Durojaiye means "Wait and enjoy life". The short form of Durojaiye is usually Jaiye.
- Durosinmi means "Wait to bury me".
- Ebunoluwa is a feminine Yoruba name, it means God's gift. The short form is usually Ebun.
- Eniola is a female Yoruba name, it means "A person of wealth".
- Enitan is a feminine Yoruba name, it means "one with stories".
- Eriayo is a feminine Yoruba name, it means "The evidence of Joy". The shorter forms of Eriayo are Eri or Ayo.
- Erioluwa is a unisex Yoruba name, it means "The evidence of God". A short form of the name could be Eri.
- Fehintola is a female Yoruba name, it means "Rest in wealth". The short form is usually Tola.
- This is usually a male name but sometimes used as a female name as well. Femi means 'loves me'. Popular examples with prefixes are Oluwafemi, Olorunfemi, and Obafemi.
- Feyisara is a feminine Yoruba name usually given to an only female child or an adopted child. It means "use this as a relative". The short form of Feyisara is usually Feyi.
- Feyisayo is a female Yoruba name, it usually has the prefix "Oluwa" attached to it. Feyisayo means "Use this for Joy". The short forms of Feyisayo are Feyi or Ayo.
- Folorunsho, sometimes spelled as Folorunso, is a male name that means given to God to keep. Its short form is usually Funsho.
- Funke is a female name that means "to give me to raise" or "to give me to cherish" in Yoruba. This interpretation highlights the nurturing and affectionate aspect of the name, reflecting a sense of love and care associated with the individual. With prefix, it is usually Oluwafunke, Ogunfunke, or Fafunke (see Yoruba names prefixes above).
- Funmilayo is a feminine Yoruba name, it usually has the prefix "Oluwa" attached. It means "Give me joy". Other variations of the name are Oluwafunmilayo- God has given me joy.
- Gbemi could mean 'lift me'. Popular female example of the name in this context is Oluwagbemisola which means the Lord has lifted me into wealth. Popular male example is Oluwagbemileke, which means the Lord has given me victory.
- Ibukun is a feminine Yoruba name that means blessing, the full version "Ibukunoluwa" means God's blessing.
- Imole is a unisex Yoruba name that means Light. It has the suffix Ayo or Oluwa attached to it.
- Ireti is usually a female name that means hope. It is commonly used with suffixes instead of prefixes.
- Itunu is a feminine Yoruba name that means Comfort.
- Iyabo is translates to "mother has come home" or "the mother has returned" in English. It is often given to girls and reflects cultural values regarding motherhood and the importance of family in Yoruba culture. The name may also signify blessing and fulfillment, celebrating the arrival of a child within a family.
- Jaiyeola is a male Yoruba name, it means to Enjoy a life of wealth. The short forms of Jaiyeola are Jaiye or Ola.
- Jolaade is a unisex name, it means to enjoy the wealth of royalty. The short form of Jolaade is usually Ade.
- Jolayemi is a feminine Yoruba name. It means "let me be worthy of wealth". The short form of Jolayemi is usually Yemi.
- Kanyinsola is a feminine Yoruba name that means "drop honey into wealth". It usually comes with the prefix "Oluwa" attached to it.
- Kemi means take care of me or pamper me and it is popularly a female name.
- Korede is a male Yoruba name that means brought wealth.
- Kunle is a male Yoruba name that means "fill the house". Other variations are Olakunle, Adekunle, Ayokunle.
- A unisex name meaning "I give thanks."
- Mojisola is a female Yoruba name that means to wake into wealth.
- Morenike is a female Yoruba name that means I have someone to care for/pamper.
- Obafemi means the King loves me and it is usually a male name.
- Ogundayisi is a male name that means Ogun has kept this one alive.
- Oladimeji is a male Yoruba name that means our wealth has been doubled.
- Olaitan means unending wealth and it is usually a female name.
- Olayinka is a unisex Yoruba name that means I am surrounded with wealth.
- Oloruntobi means God is great. It is usually a male name.
- Olowolaiyemo means people only adore the rich, usually a surname.
- Oluwadamilare is a male Yoruba name that means the Lord has vindicated me.
- Oluwadarasimi is a female Yoruba name that means the Lord is good to me.
- Oluwafunmilayo means the Lord has given me joy and it is a female name.
- Oluwagbenga is a male Yoruba name that means the Lord has exalted me.
- Oluwaseyi is a unisex Yoruba name that means the Lord has done this.
- Oluwatoyin means the Lord is worthy of praise. It is a popular female name.
- Omomayowa is a unisex Yoruba name, it means "child brings joy".
- Omomurewa is a feminine Yoruba name, it means "children bring goodness".
- Omoniyi is a unisex Yoruba name that could mean children have honour.
- Omotoke means a child is worthy of care and it is a female name.
- Omotola means a child is equal to wealth and it is usually a female name.
- Oreofe is a unisex Yoruba name that means grace.
- Oreoluwa is a female Yoruba name that means gift from God.
- Oreoluwatanwa is a female Yoruba name that means a gift from the Lord that we have been waiting for.
- Owolabi means we have given birth to money.
- Pelumi is a name mostly given to female children, it means "Be with me".
- Ranti is a unisex name that means Remember.
- Remilekun means 'wiped away my tears' and it is usually a unisex name.
- Romoke is a feminine Yoruba name, it means "have a child to care for".
- Segun means to conquer or defeat and it is usually a male name.
Seun is a name that emphasizes gratitude and acknowledgment. With prefix, it is usually Oluwaseun which means "thank the Lord".
- Seyifunmi is a unisex Yoruba name, it means "Do this for me".
- Shade literally means to wield a crown. It is a female name.
- Simisola is a feminine Yoruba name, it means "Rest in wealth".
- Sunmisola is a feminine Yoruba name, it means "Shift me into wealth".
- Tamilore is a unisex name, it means "give me a gift".
- Temitope is usually a unisex name. It means 'I am inclined to be grateful'.
- Tiaraoluwa is a feminine Yoruba name, it means "Of the body of God".
- Tijesunimi is a feminine name, it means "I am for Jesus".
- Timilehin is a male Yoruba name that means back me up.
- Titilayo is a female Yoruba name that means perpetual joy.
- Titilola is a female Yoruba name that means perpetual wealth.
- Tolu means 'the Lord's'. The name is unisex.
- Tomi means sufficient for me. It is a female name.
- This name means worthy of worship and it is usually a unisex Yoruba name.
- Toyin is usually a short form of Oluwatoyin or Oguntoyin (see the explanation of Yoruba name prefixes above). Toyin literally means worthy to be praised so with the prefix it would mean the Lord is worthy of praise or Ogun is worthy of praise depending on the prefix.
- Worthy of being happy about. This name is unisex.
- Tumininu means 'I am appeased' and it is usually a female name.
- Tunde means 'back again'. It is usually a male name.
- This name means "rewake" or "wake again". It can be used after prefixes.
- Wale means to come home. It is a male name.
- Wande means "Sought me out".
- Wemimo is a female Yoruba name that means "Make me pure".
- Wole means entry into a house. It is a male name.
- Wonu means to enter. It's usually a female name.
Yejide carries deep cultural significance, often associated with ideas of rebirth, lineage, and continuity. It reflects the cherished relationship with motherhood and the cyclical nature of life. This name may symbolize a sense of connection to heritage, family, and the ongoing legacy that mothers impart to their children.
- Yemisi means "treated me well" and it is a female name.
- Yinka is a unisex Yoruba name that means "Surrounds me".
- Yomola is a feminine Yoruba name that means "Rejoice in wealth".